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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Once upon a time.............

Once upon a time;
There was honesty
in the societies.
All the people would perform
their duties very well.
Once upon a time;
Love,affection was in
their greatest height.
There was no pomp show,
people never pretended,that,
they love someone too much,
because there was true love
among the people which need
no words to express.
Once upon a time;
Everybody was ready to
sacrifice to his/her
beloved one
without any expectation.
Once upon a time;
Women would bear
a great moral character.
Every woman looks like a
due to high moral values.
They were not the means of
selling products (AAMSUTRA etc.)
and not treated
as a product.
Once upon a time;
There was no battle
among the people,
among the nations,
among the religions,
among the civilizations.
There was no blood,
in the rivers.
There was peace and harmony
everywhere on the earth.
Once upon a time;
There were
great spritual leaders,
great politicians,
great kings and
great mentors.
No one cheat the people.
Everybody loved the people,
like family members.
Once upon a time;
People are not
afraid of corruption.
There was no need of agitation
to check the corruption.
There was no need to
a seventy three years old person
to sit on fast till death.
We the people,
should take the initiatives
to reform the system.
We all the people,
should think seriously over it;
Which kind of society we want ?
Which kind of system we want ?
What kind of person we should support ?
It is not the time to deliver
speeches on corruption,but,
to take actions to curb it.
Then we would be
free from it and
never say
"Once upon a time............."
By:-Mayank Shekhar Gauniyal 'Shashank'
Google Talk:-Mayank Gauniyal
Yahoo Messenger:-mayankgauniyal